Friday, February 22, 2008


The first time we ever had borscht (sp?) was at Kirk and Eva's place in SLC. Even though I'm not a fan of beets I really liked it, and the yummy bread we ate with it. Now that we live far from them we don't have the benefit of free borscht and have not attempted to make it on our own. However, lucky us, we have a Ukrainian friend (Lilia) who makes it. Hers is a little different from theirs, but also delicious.

Well little Sam is just beginning to discover the true meaning of food and today I introduced him to borscht made by Lilia. He loved it. I just gave him pieces of beet and beans which he devoured. Can I request a recipe post of borscht?


Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

yes, we will post the recipe. how could we resist sam's little face?

KARI J. said...

Kirk gets mad when people spell borscht with a "t" at the end. Watch out!

Anonymous said...

oh shoot, don't want to make kirk mad. i looked it up and that's what my cookbook said, but i guess it's wrong? what's the spelling?

kirk said...

I'm so mad!

Anonymous said...

kirk it's not worth it!