Thursday, January 24, 2008

the Kupcake Kraze

So I am the latest supporter of the national trend of eating cupcakes. Why are these mini cakes such a hot commodity? Why are there bakeries specifically dedicated to cupcakes rising up in cities all over the country? (Sorry for the very bad puns.) Maybe because they are delicious. Like the above specimen from our neighborhood cupcake bakery that just opened. It was coconut.

And unlike other food trends (like wraps, which are always disappointing) i think this one may stick. They ARE trendy, but they're classy and simple and satisfying.


amanda said...

i didn't really notice this trend until recently. but i don't eat cupcakes a lot either. maybe i should start. sounds cool...

Kris said...

eva, who is beanster?

Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

kirk said it's my mom. which is funny. i can't picture her choosing that name, really.

Nations said...

i can't see your mom picking that name either. did he mean "your mom" like a Your Mama joke? next time you see her call her beanster and see if she responds.

eva said...

no - i think it really is her. he looked under our profile or something. i'm guessing that my brother ben set it up for her, though.